Tested at Universities Across the Nation

"...in a nutshell things
look AWESOME!"

Staff at Auburn University

"This really might represent the future of career exploration!"

Staff at BYU

"I would love to be able to use this with my career readiness class!"

Staff at Western Oregon University

Built by students, for students!

Chat with AI "job experts" that simulate real employees in thousands of job roles.

On-Demand access to expert career insights

For Students

Zoomr provides a realistic and immersive way for students to explore various careers before committing to a particular path.

For Higher Education

Career centers can leverage Zoomr to enhance their services and better support students in their career planning.

For Employers

Employers can use Zoomr to create realistic job simulations that showcase the daily responsibilities of specific roles within their organization.

Now available!

Powered by real-world data

Zoomr AI Job Experts are fueled by rich occupational data from ONET OnLine, the nation's primary source of occupational information. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, ONET OnLine offers comprehensive, up-to-date data on over 900 occupations covering the entire U.S. economy.

Occupational interests, work styles, and values

Detailed work activities and tasks performed on the job

Salary and employment outlook

Dive into the daily realities, lifestyle factors and advancement paths

With Zoomr, students can uncover important lifestyle factors often left out of career discussions, such as work-life balance, salary expectations, travel requirements, and more. This helps them evaluate how well different careers align with their personal goals and preferences.

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Zoomr bridges the gaps

We're excited to announce that Zoomr is now available! Be among the first to experience our cutting-edge AI Job Experts.

Enhanced Career Services

Provide your students with scalable interactive tools that reach every individual, ensuring they receive the guidance they deserve, even if they never step foot in the career center.

Scalable Resource for Students

Whether they’re at home, on campus, or on the go, students can dive into a wealth of information that empowers them to make better-informed decisions about their futures.

The Team Behind Zoomr

Zekun Li


Ben Jensen


Noah Bruckner


Chase Lee


Frequently asked questions

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